Among all the important OA Week activities, there was some fun too. Here is the winner of the SHERPA Haiku ‘Spirit of Open Access’ Competition:
Set your research free
As flowers offer nectar
To the passing bee
Congratulations to Miggie Pickton,
And here are a few of the runners-up:
Like birds, authors' rights
fly away from their control
never to return
Nancy Stimson,
A candle under
a bushel is wasted light
try open access
Rob Szarka, szarka.org
Empowerment comes
To those who share their knowledge
With the world beyond
Allison Brown,
Enlightenment is
The addition of full text
To metadata
Neil Stewart,
Opening access
connected and well-informed
research moves forward
Jon Mason, InterCog
The locked door opens
And brilliant autumn sunlight
Pours into the room.
Padraig Manning, HSE
Help barriers fall
Repositories blossom
An open age dawns
Jessie and Tony Hey,
Hard discoveries
Should not perish, closed, within
a domain price-locked.
Hélène LeBlanc,
OA is worldwide
bringing scholars together
and spreading their words
Nancy Stimson,
In the autumn rains
open access means no trudge
to the library
Kate Hodgson,
And another that wasn’t in the runners-up list:
Gold leaves float down
secured in OA silos –
research advances
And a limerick to encourage deposit in IRs:
A geneticist working in
Found a gene to zap helicobacter.
He made it OA
And before you could say
Jack was made a Distinguished Professor.