Monday 7 December 2009

OA and Copenhagen

Copenhagen has begun and the world watches and waits. But anyone who has chaired a committee of strong-minded people following different agendas will understand very well the problems ahead.

But one thing seems clear. If we are to accumulate all possible scientific knowledge about climate change, biodiversity conservation, engineering progress, social consequences – and do this with some urgency - and at the same time develop essential practical solutions to change current culture to a more sustainable one, then we must share knowledge.

The mutual exchange of information is something to which all nations can agree and work towards together. So it is to be hoped that open access advocates will be raising this important and eminently do-able building block to achieving global answers to the problems we face.

It is very good that SciDevNet have a Copenhagen blog to report activities of interest to the scientific communities. If there are other groups in Copenhagen, it is to be hoped they will use every opportunity to raise the issue of open access to essential information. This is something we can do.

Note that there is a link to SciDevNet from this blog. Please add links to other information/Copenhagen resources as a comment to this post.

1 comment:

Electronic Publishing Trust for Development said...

Here is one other relevant blog that is worth following. You can send a comment on the need for access to research findings, or any other issues at: